The physics which we are well aware of, that govern the working and motion of macroscopic bodies is called Classical physics. These are the laws of motion, force, work and energy that we have been studying all the time along. It may explain our all day-to-day activities, from walking on our shoes to the Moon's rotation around Earth. But once we dive into the quantum level, none of these laws hold good. We have a totally different set of rules that control the working of microscopic or even smaller particles, which is known as Quantum Physics. So, lets dive into the quantum world eh!
The way the quantum world works seems absurd to even many of our modern physicists, but the results the quantum physics promises is incredible! Infact there has not been a single experiment which proved the failure of quantum mechanics. It is just everywhere! What I mean by incredible is, you can walk past a wall and reach the other side of your room in the quantum world. You can even influence the actions of you entangled partner from miles away in the quantum world. For example, you are playing a game today where-in you have a red team or a blue team to choose to play for. So, if you are choosing the blue team to play in, then your partner, who might not even talk to you and is even in the moon, is bound to choose the red team to play! This is the most crazy and bizarre result of quantum mechanics, but it happens!
There is even more to it! In the quantum world, there is no fixed place where you would be present. You are not just a particle, or a fixed mass anymore. You are a jumble distribution of probabilities. You can be anywhere, and everywhere at the same time! Here, we do not talk about where we would find you right now in the world. Rather, we talk about if we look for you in all the states of India, what is the likelihood we will find you there. Strange, right?
This is one of the major rules of quantum physics. That is, observation implies distinct action. This means a particle can be present at more than one locations, in its probability range, at the same time, unless an observation is made on it. And when the observation is made on the particle, all of its probabilities superimpose to make it available at one location! This applies to events as well in the quantum world. Events, for example tossing a coin, has both heads and tails as the result, and both of these results happen simultaneously in parallel worlds. And only when you catch the coin in your hand, and attempt to see the outcome, both of the possibilities superimpose into one result, and that is what we see at the end.
This is the whole theory of parallel universes. Think of it! Maybe we all are quantum particles for a very huge celestial object, and so we would be having multiple universes among ourselves signifying multiple possibilities of life flourishing in Earth. And we are just waiting for the celestial event to take an observation on us! So when its the observation day, all the parallel universes are going to superimpose, and then, no one knows which one will stay, we may have no existence of humanity in one or we may have touched super-advanced levels of technology in one! How cool is it :D. Observation implies distinct action.
Why all of this happens?
Why all of these strange spooky things happen at the quantum level? We do not know. Going down into this tiny level, to study the particles without changing its nature is the biggest challenge we have today in order to understand these phenomenon! Because of this very tiny size of particles, we are having to send Electromagnetic waves with very small wavelengths to them so that it can touch and reflect back from them. And this is where the problem is too. Because of the small wavelengths, the EM wave is much more energetic. And when this energetic light touches the tiniest particles, it alters it! That is, By looking at the particle, we change it!
So we still do not have any answers to account for the bizarre nature of quantum mechanics, but sure are amazed by it! Stay tuned with me for more articles like this on quantum physics! I'll try to cover the many more interesting topics like Quantum Tunnelling, Entanglement, Teleportation etc.! I hope you liked the quantum leap ;)